
Showing posts from March, 2013

RAC Customization - Useful Static Methods - Part II

  Useful Static Methods - Part II Few more static methods developed during our customization... Sharing the same to you.. :) 1.  /* Show ootb properties dialog  * @param selectedComponent  */ public static void showProperties (TCComponent selectedComponent) { final Registry comdReg = Registry.getRegistry("com.teamcenter.rac.common.actions.actions");  try { AbstractAIFCommand cmd = (AbstractAIFCommand) comdReg.newInstanceFor("propertiesCommand", new Object[] { selectedComponent, AIFDesktop.getActiveDesktop() }); cmd.executeModeless(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.  /* Scroll the panel to top  * @param scrollPanel*/ public static void scrollToTop (final JScrollPane scrollPanel) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { pub...

RAC Customization - Usefull Static Methods - Part I

RAC Customization - Static Methods In every project, there will be a package called " common ", which have classes consist of generic static methods. These methods reduces time, duplication of code, etc.. Below are the few static methods which are created for my project.. I guess, these methods will be very common in every project.. 1. /** Method to check whether an item exists in the database with given ID */     public static boolean isItemExists (TCSession tceSession, String itemId)     throws TCException {         String msg = "";         TCComponentQuery tceItemQuery = null;                TCComponentQueryType qType = (TCComponentQueryType) tceSession.getTypeComponent("ImanQuery");         tceItemQuery = (TCComponentQuery) qType.find("Item...");        ...

RAC Customization - Eclipse Debug mode Setup

TC Debug Configuration Using Eclipse.   In this post, we will see how to configure debug mode in eclipse for RAC customization. The use of configuring debug mode is such that you can test your functionality from eclipse instead of exporting to jar, running the registry and restarting Teamcenter...     Major Steps:                Setting up TCE Debug Configuration involves two major steps, i.e., Set Target Platform, Set Debug Properties.  Target Platform:               We have to set target platform, so that eclipse will refer TC jars to its workspace. Perform the below instructions to set target platform..   To Open Preferences dialog, Click Windows Menu -->  Preferences .  Under Preferences dialog, select Plug-in Development option, which will ...